👀What is Magic Find? (MF)
Magic Finding
arealvl : the higher the level of a certain area, the higher the arealevel will be. The mobs in this area have the lowest lvl equal to the arealevel.
alvl : affix level. This means that the prefix and suffix of an item at a lvl will determine which option lines that item has.
clvl : character level. This is only important when gambling
ilvl : level of the item itself. Each item has its own level and can be determined by looking at the level of the mob that drops this item (use c3po to see)
mlvl : level of the mob. mlvl will be used to determine whether it will drop items with high or low ilvl. mlvl is always greater than or equal to a lvl. Champion mobs, ghostly, ... have mlvl = a lvl + 2. Random super unique and follower minions have mlvl = alvl + 3. Bosses and super uniques will have their own mlvl.
qlvl : quality level of item. qlvl is used to determine what prefixes and suffixes this item can have.
Magic Finding
MF is your chance of finding items. Your MF will increase when you wear an item with the “Better Chance of Getting Magic Item” tag.
The higher the MF, the higher the magic + set + unique drop rate . Here is the formula for calculating MF:
Uniques = MF * 250 / (MF+250)
Sets = MF * 500 / (MF+500)
Rares = MF * 600 / (MF+600)
Magic = MF
That means when you are wearing clothes with a total MF of 100%, your chance of picking up unique items will increase by 100*250/(100+250) ~ 71%. Sets increase by 83.3% and rare items increase by 85.7%.
In addition, the number of players in the room also affects mf, if offline, type player8 to get the highest rate but the monster is also stronger. Every time you hit a monster, the game will determine whether it drops anything for you, the more players, the higher the chance that the mob will drop items. Note that this only affects the quantity, not the quality of the item, but runes are different.
When you kill a monster, the game will determine if it drops an item or not. If you do, the machine will see what item it is, what type, whether it is suitable for mlvl or not, and add your mf to see if it is unique or set or rare or magic, white.
When dropped, there will be about a 5% chance of having Ethereal, increasing 50% enhanced damage if the item is a weapon or 50% enhanced defense if the item is armor, helm, etc. Items with "Indestructible" are not damaged, their durability will not drop, some items always have this, others like the shadow killer have both eth and ind, double damage without being damaged.
***About Summon & Hireling 's MF , it will be stacked with your MF and hireling's for the subordinate and your MF for Summon.
MF diagram by ratio from MF 1 > 1000%
The Pit
Pits are areas with arealvl = 85. Monsters + chests here have minimum lvl = 85.
Act 1: The mausoleum (right where quest 2 is).
Act 1: Pits (cave in tamoe highland).
Act 2: Ancient Tunnel (found in Lost City).
Act 4: River of Flame and Chaos Sanctuary.
Act 5: From World Stone Keep onwards.
As you can see, the first 3 areas are probably the easiest to run into because the mobs in A1 and A2 are weaker than the other pits.
Andariel (Nightmare and Hell): The best one to run Stone of Jordan (Nightmare). In Hell, this is the one that drops the highest bul.
Council (Hell): Over 3 unique monsters, easy to fight, runs fast, drops runes quite well.
Mephisto (Hell): This is the easiest boss to kill, not too strong, low health, moreover, you can use a moat trick to trap this boss, details will be discussed later.
Pindleskin (Hell): This one is quite pleasant, sluggish, easy to kill. 1 pin run only takes 20-30 seconds. You can make more than 100 pin runs in 1 hour. This one is located at nik temple, where you do q4. Note that to be able to run this one, you CANNOT DO Q4 because after finishing or getting wp, the red portal will be lost -> no more running.
Baal (Nightmare and Hell): Of course, the monster has the best drop rate in the game, but it takes a long time to encounter this monster, almost 6 minutes per run.
Countess: drops very good runes and if you have high MF, countess will also drop some valuable items. Here is a small table of rune drop possibilities when running countess:
Lo – 0.000312%
Ohm – 0.000468%
Vex – 0.000546%
Gul – 0.000819%
Ist – 0.074436%
Mal – 0.111654%
Um – 0.130038%
Pul – 0.195056%
Chaos sanc is also a pit but probably only hammer din can run because this group is quite tough, can fight all kinds of elements, has curse, especially iron maiden and amp damage.
Rune Finding
Runes Overview
Rune is a special type of item in Diablo II. It is similar to gem and jewel but the difference is that you can create an item with many special features by choosing the right rune and using the right item. Also, one thing to note is that the ability to drop runes is not affected by the character's MF. It only depends on the mob's mlvl. Specifically as follows:
Runes can be dropped
Con số trong ngoặc đơn là áp dụng cho mob đánh melee. Nghĩa là mob melee có mlvl 75 thì mới có thể drop Ber rune. Càng nhiều player trong một game thì khả năng drop rune càng cao. Khi bạn săn rune thì luôn luôn nhớ một điều: kill càng nhiều mob lvl cao càng tốt. Mọi mob lvl cao đều đáng giá như nhau và nếu bạn kill hết thì khả năng drop rune sẽ cao hơn. Phần tiếp theo là các chiến lược săn rune.
The Countess
Giới thiệu một chút về Countess. Countess có mlvl 82 và TC 66. TC 66 cho phép countess drop tối đa Lo rune và các món dễ thương khác như thunderstroke, ormus robe, mara,… v.v. Ngoài ra countess còn có khả năng drop rune đặc biệt, cho phép drop đến Ist rune. Khi Countess chết, đầu tiên game sẽ kiểm tra xem countess drop ra bao nhiêu item (tối đa là 5, và cái này gọi là “no drop check”).
Nếu như countess drop ra đủ cả 5 item thì game sẽ ngừng không check nữa và có nghĩa là special rune check của countess sẽ bị bỏ qua. Nếu như countess drop ít hơn 5 item thì special rune check sẽ được “để ý” đến nhưng tối đa không quá 3 rune. Nếu như bạn còn chưa hiểu thì tôi sẽ giải thích thêm như sau: khi countess chết thì no drop check đầu tiên sẽ bắt đầu. Nếu như no drop check thất bại thì nghĩa là countess drop ra 1 item như các loại mob khác. Nếu no drop check thành công thì special rune check vào cuộc. Sau đó thì tiếp tục no drop check thứ 2 và điều này lại diễn ra 5 lần để countess drop cho bạn 5 item. Tối đa có 3 special rune check. Khả năng “no drop” cho 1 game solo là khoảng 26%. Khi bạn chơi nhiều người thì khả năng này giảm xuống nên rất có thể special rune check sẽ không được check. Vì vậy: Khi có ý định run countess thì bạn nên solo là tốt nhất.
Tiếp theo là về các loại rune countess có thể drop. Cái này chia ra làm 2 loại: regular (cái “no drop check” ở trên ý) và special (cái này là khả năng drop rune riêng của Countess). Tôi chỉ đề cập ở cấp Hell vì Nightmare và Normal không đáng để ta quan tâm. Ở cấp này thì Countess drop rune cao nhất là Lo cho regular và Ist cho special. Bảng dưới đây là toàn bộ khả năng rune có thể drop từ Countess:
Lo – 0.000312%
Ohm – 0.000468%
Vex – 0.000546%
Gul – 0.000819%
Ist – 0.074436%
Mal – 0.111654%
Um – 0.130038%
Pul – 0.195056%
Lem – 0.259175%
Fal – 0.388763%
Ko – 0.514776%
Lum – 0.772164%
Io – 1.015448%
Hel – 1.523172%
Dol – 1.976007%
Shael – 2.964010%
Sol – 3.744013%
Amn – 5.616020%
Thul – 6.126567%
Ort – 9.189850%
Ral – 8.752238%
Tal – 13.128357%
Ith – 10.502686%
Eth – 15.754029%
Nef – 15.003837%
Tir – 22.505755%
Eld – 27.006907%
El – 40.510360%
As mentioned above, Lo rune is a regular drop, so when you play a crowded game, the chance of dropping will be higher. Specifically, the chance of dropping Lo rune in a game of 8 players is 0.00056%. Because of this, when you want to find Lo rune, playing a crowded game will have a higher chance of success. However, the more crowded the game is, the lower the chance of dropping rune from special rune check will be. If you think you are lucky, play an 8-player game to run Countess. If you follow the "safe and secure" school, solo is best. Personally, I still support solo because the rate of easy cube from Ist to Lo is only 1/16 P/S: The above parameters are for LoD Original, with D2VN there may be some changes, but I think not much
Best char runs:
Hammerdin: chaos sanc: mobs there are immune to all 4 elements, also have iron maiden and lower rs
BlizSor: Mep, ancient turnel, can run more andariel but quite long and dangerous
FireSor: Mep, Andariel (extremely fast), andariel rs fire -50, ideal with firesor
LightSor: Pin, Shrek, Edrick, super unique, many minions, low health (if you bring infi, you can still run chaos sanc well)
Winddruid: from spider forest to lower kuzard, mobs here are very crowded but have low health, perfect for wind
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